Uploading your app to the Google Play store is easy.

  1. Download your application assets
  2. Log into Google Play
  3. Upload your APK
  4. Edit your store listing and screenshots (if necessary)
  5. Publish your app

Download your application assets from Apptive

Download your application assets from the Apptive Management Console (Manage Apps > Publish > Download Application Assets). They come in a .zip file and look like this:

Log into your Google Play Developer Console

Click "APK", then select "Upload new APK to Production"

You will now see the uploading dialog box. When the upload is complete, you will see a green check next to the "APK" step.

Edit your store listing

Now click on Store Listing from the menu on the left side of the screen. Enter the "Short Description" and "Full Description" for your app. We have provided sample text in the metadata.txt file.

Now click "Add Screenshot" in the "Phone" section. Browse to the first screenshot (named 0.png) and click "Open" or "OK". Add the remaining screenshots (1.png, 2.png, 3.png, etc.). Save your progress.

You will skip the screenshot sections for 7-inch tablet, 10-inch tablet, and TV as your Android app is for the phone only.

Follow the same process to upload your Hi-res icon (file named icon_512.png) and your Feature Graphic (file named feature_graphic.jpg). Save your progress.


You will skip the screenshot sections for the Promo Graphic and TV Banner as they do not apply to your app. 

Publish your app

If you see a green checkmark next to the three sections we have covered, you are ready to publish your app. Select "Ready to publish" and then "Publish this app" from the upper-right-hand side of the screen.

It can take up to 48 hours for you app changes to show up in the Google Play store.

That's it. You are done. Let us know if you have questions. :)