How do I configure the Specials Module?

How do I configure the Specials Module?


Here are the module options:

1. Title

  • The Specials Module requires a title.
  • If your app has drawer navigation (hamburger icon in upper left hand corner), the title will display at the very top of the screen.
  • If your app has tabbed navigation (buttons along the bottom), the title will not be visible from within the module.

2. Special Category or URL

  • Category or URL does not need to be accessible from your e-commerce store. This means that you have the ability to run a special that is available only for your mobile app users.
  • Choose either a Category ID or a URL, not both. If you have a Category ID and URL listed, the Specials Module will ignore the Category ID.
  • If you do not enter a Category ID or URL, the Specials Module will display "There are no current specials." unless the countdown timer is active.
  • For help finding your Category ID or URL, click here.

3. Start Date/Time (optional)

  • If you select a start time for your special, the Specials Module will display a countdown timer until the specified time.
  • A start time is not required to run a special. If no start time is selected, mobile users will have access to your special immediately.

4. End Date/Time (optional)

  • If you select an end time for your special, the Specials Module will remove access to the special and either, 1) display the message "There are no current specials." or 2) display the next available special.
  • An end time is not required to run a special. If no end time is selected, mobile users will have access to your special until you set an end time.

5. Timer Screen Description (optional)

  • The timer screen description allows you to let your mobile users know what to expect when the special is live.
  • A timer screen description is not required to run a special.

6. Timer Screen Font Color (optional)

  • This is where you can set a hex color value for the text on the timer screen. For help finding a hex value for your color go here.
  • If you do not indicate a color, the Specials Module will pull from your app color scheme.

7. Timer Screen Image (optional)

  • This is where you can upload a background image for the Specials Module.
  • There is not an image size requirement. The Special Module will crop your uploaded image if needed.

8. Push Notification Message (optional)

  • The Specials Module is a Push Enabled module. To learn about sending push notifications, clickhere.

Countdown Timer
Tabbed Navigation
Countdown Timer
Drawer Navigation